
[编辑器/功能拓展] Better UI 2.4 UI功能拓展插件

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发表于 2023-3-1 11:13:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

A setup wizard helps you setting up Better UI for your project correctly.

Resolution Independence
Create UIs working on any resolution. Use the Snap Anchors tool to easily set up the anchors correctly. Use the "Make Better" workflow to convert your components to their "Better UI" version. Variables which contain sizes of the object (like font size) are resized with the resolution - and you have full control over the way it adjusts such size values.

Responsive Design
Define orientations (Landscape / Portrait), screen size ranges, aspect ratio ranges and / or special screen types (like touch screen) you want to support. You can have different positions and sizes or certain values of your UI elements for each defined screen configuration. A smart fallback logic allows you to leave out screen configuration settings in your elements to keep your effort at a minimum.

Optimized Workflow
With the Make Better workflow you can convert UGUI components to their "Better" pendants with two clicks. References to these components are converted as well. So, it just works without worries.

Several tools are a great help to make a great UI.

The Snap Anchors tool converts constant positions and sizes into relative anchor positions. You can do that for as many elements as you select with one click.

The Smart Parent tool allows you to move an object while leaving its childs on their visual position. Also allows to snap the parent to the bounds of its childs.

The Align & Distribute tool helps you moving your UI elements to the right position.

The Pick Resolution tool let you change the resolution of your game window with a single click. It also allows to simulate certain screen configurations for previewing your responsive design.

Better Transitions
Instead of defining only one transition per selectable, you can define as many transitions as you like and affect any object in the hierarchy. In addition to the normal transition types there are also some special transition types.

The "Better Toggle" has additional transition options for changing between the on and off state. With this and the special "Object Activeness Transition" you can easily create things like tabs.

Dynamic UI
Create animations easily with the straight forward Location Animations component. Control the anchors of your objects by objects somewhere else in your Hierarchy with the Anchor Override (which can also be animated). This enables you to prevent moving objects with their mask. Resize your element variables based on the size of a parented object instead of the screen with the Override Screen Properties component.

Extra Options
Some components can do a lot more than the original UGUI components.

The Better Image allows to make horizontal or vertical gradients. There are also some pre-defined Materials like Greyscale or Hue Saturation Brightness. These are optimized for extensive use and can be changed via transitions (the Better Raw Image has similar options).

The Better Content Size Fitter allows you to define a minimum or maximum size as well as a padding added to the size. It also has the option to check the size of another (child) object in the hierarchy istead of itself. All this is of course resolution independant and ready for responsive design.

Text Mesh Pro Suppot
All UGUI components of text mesh pro (TMP UGUI, TMP Input Field, TMP Dropdown) have "Better" versions. They are included as a package. So, you can simply extract it if you are using TextMesh Pro..

If you don't know how to start, you can check out the documentation. If you have additional questions or experience unexpected behavior, feel free to leave a comment in the forum post. Of course, you can also try to understand the code behind by checking out the source code. It is included in this package.


创建在任何分辨率下工作的ui。使用Snap Anchors工具轻松地设置正确的锚。使用“Make Better”工作流将组件转换为“Better UI”版本。包含对象大小的变量(比如字体大小)会随着分辨率而调整大小——你可以完全控制它调整这些大小值的方式。


使用Make Better工作流,您可以通过两次单击将UGUI组件转换为“Better”挂坠。对这些组件的引用也会被转换。所以,它可以毫无顾虑地工作。


Snap Anchors工具将固定的位置和大小转换为相对的锚定位置。您可以为您选择的任意多个元素执行此操作,只需单击一次。






使用直接的位置动画组件轻松创建动画。使用锚覆盖(也可以是动画)通过层次结构中其他地方的对象控制对象的锚。这使你能够阻止移动对象的蒙版。使用Override screen Properties组件根据父对象(而不是屏幕)的大小调整元素变量的大小。


Better Image允许制作水平或垂直渐变。还有一些预定义的材质,如灰度或色相饱和度亮度。这些都是为广泛使用而优化的,并且可以通过过渡进行更改(更好的原始图像有类似的选项)。


文本网格pro的所有UGUI组件(TMP UGUI, TMP Input Field, TMP Dropdown)都有“更好”的版本。它们是打包的。所以,你可以简单地提取它,如果你使用TextMesh Pro..



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