
[编辑器/功能拓展] Fast Line Renderer for Unity - GPU Line and Particle System 1.4.1

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发表于 2023-3-14 11:12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Fast Line Renderer works great on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android and iOS.

Created by jjxtra, author of Procedural Lightning, Fast Line Renderer for Unity is a powerful, yet easy to use GPU based line renderer and particle system for Unity. CPU AND GPU performance is more than 10x what you will get from the Unity Line Renderer. Full C# source code and shader code is provided!

Fade, velocity, rotation, line caps and billboard are all run on the GPU in one draw call, freeing your CPU for more important tasks.

Fast Line Renderer contains an option to keep the lines the same radius regardless of distance too. See the included Readme.txt for details.

Curves and splines are a snap with a simple function call in the script. Even simple particle systems are possible - all run on the GPU!

Line joins include round, adjust position, attach or none. Easily create continuous or individual line segments - all without having to create additional meshes or objects. Easily clone fast line renderers by simply getting and setting the mesh from another fast line renderer.

快速线渲染器工作在Windows, MAC, Linux, Android和iOS。

由程序闪电的作者jjxtra创建,Fast Line Renderer for Unity是一个功能强大,但易于使用的基于GPU的线条渲染器和Unity粒子系统。CPU和GPU的性能是Unity Line Renderer的10倍以上。完整的c#源代码和着色器代码提供!






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