
[粒子/特效] Feel 3.5

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发表于 2023-3-16 13:09:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This asset contains :
- 35+ demos, from minimal scenes to a complete game, showing various ways you can use Feel to add juice to your game and make it feel good
- MMFeedbacks, its core system, an intuitive way to trigger juicy effects
- Nice Vibrations, the best haptics solution for Unity out there
- MMTools, a library of helpers and tools for all situations

Important :
- Feel is a major upgrade to the MMFeedbacks asset - it's MMFeedbacks 2.0, making it bigger and better. Owners of MMFeedbacks can upgrade to Feel free of charge. Do not buy both of them.
- MMFeedbacks and MMTools are already included in Corgi Engine and TopDown Engine. If you own any of these, only buy Feel if you need it as a separate package.
- This asset includes Nice Vibrations as a gift. Do not buy it twice!
- Feel will work on all render pipelines, and you can absolutely import Feel in a URP or HDRP project. Just note that most demos are made using the standard RP, and they may not render correctly when opened in projects using other pipelines.

- 35+演示,从最小的场景到一个完整的游戏,展示了各种方法,你可以使用感觉添加果汁到你的游戏,让它感觉良好
- mmfeedback,它的核心系统,一个直观的方式触发多汁的效果
- Nice Vibrations, Unity最好的触觉解决方案
- MMTools,一个库的帮助和工具的所有情况

感觉是一个主要升级到mmfeedback资产-它是mmfeedback 2.0,使它更大更好。mmfeedback的所有者可以免费升级到Feel。不要两样都买。
-此资产包括Nice Vibrations(美好的震动)作为礼物。不要买两次!
- Feel可以在所有渲染管道中工作,你完全可以在URP或HDRP项目中导入Feel。请注意,大多数演示都是使用标准RP制作的,在使用其他管道的项目中打开时,它们可能无法正确呈现。


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