
[粒子/特效] Expanse - Volumetric Skies, Clouds, and Atmospheres in HDRP 1.3

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发表于 2023-3-16 15:46:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Expanse is a state of the art volumetrics tool for HDRP that gives you the power to author beautiful skies, clouds, and fog banks. In as little as 15 minutes, you can create compelling and interactive atmospheres---earthly, mythical, and stylized.

The rendering and authoring strategies that Expanse uses are based on the most recent production-focused papers coming out of conferences like SIGGRAPH and EGSR. Every component of Expanse is physically-based, allowing for unprecendented realism and consistency across different lighting conditions.

Expanse is a fully dynamic system that can be adjusted in realtime, with no precomputed lookups that slow down the authoring process. Things like cloud coverage, fog density, and time of day can easily be animated with keyframes or scripted to create different weather scenarios. All the changes you make are visible in the editor, so you can tweak your sky without ever having to enter play mode.

Expanse is also performance-optimized for realtime applications. You can pick and choose between a number of quality/performance tradeoffs to optimize your sky to hit your frame time requirements. For reference, on a last-gen 2080 Ti, Expanse can render an entire sky with volumetric atmosphere, clouds, and fog in under 0.7ms.

While not necessarily VR-first, Expanse does support single pass instanced VR. Support is still experimental in nature, but will gradually transition to being labeled "production ready" as more users test it. Expanse only supports the VR platforms that HDRP supports.

If you need to make modifications to Expanse, no problem---you'll receive all C# scripts and shaders uncompiled when you purchase Expanse.

As a note: I'm an independent developer with no QA team, so I appreciate your patience regarding bug fixes and support!

Expanse is licensed on a per-seat basis. As provided for by the asset store EULA, you will need to purchase a license for each individual who will use Expanse. For details refer to the asset store EULA or EULA FAQ.




对实时应用程序也进行了性能优化。您可以在许多质量/性能权衡中进行选择,以优化您的天空,以满足您的帧时间要求。作为参考,在最后一代2080 Ti上,浩瀚可以在0.7毫秒内渲染整个天空,包括大气、云和雾。




《浩瀚》是按座位收费的。根据资产存储EULA的规定,您将需要为每个将使用浩瀚的人购买许可证。具体请参见资产存储EULA或EULA FAQ。


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