
[编辑器/功能拓展] Easy State 2.3.4状态机可视化编辑器工具

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发表于 2023-3-16 15:49:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

It is easy to incorporate complex logic into your game when you are well organized. Easy State provides many ways to keep track of complex logic from a UI that is designed for humans, to the ability to add notes that explain your thought processes. Version 3 of Easy State builds on the good things of the previous versions and adds many quality-of-life changes as well as implementation of many user-requested features. In order to provide the highest degree of flexibility, Easy state allows you to combine the principals of state machines, behavior trees, and utility nodes into a single design. Easy state allows the programmer to write the mission critical code, while providing a backbone that makes it easy to scale and deploy. While some visual scripting tools attempt to replace the need for coding this tool is a framework that keeps your code compact, organized, and easy to debug. As a warning this code does require some C# experience to be used and is not meant as a No-Code solution. Its goal is to be lean and only manage the repetitive code allowing the game dev to write the important stuff!

当你组织得很好时,将复杂的逻辑整合到游戏中是很容易的。Easy State提供了许多方法来跟踪复杂的逻辑,从为人类设计的UI到添加解释思维过程的注释。Easy State的第3版建立在以前版本的基础上,增加了许多提高生活质量的变化,并实现了许多用户要求的特性。为了提供最高程度的灵活性,Easy state允许您将状态机、行为树和实用节点的主体组合到一个设计中。Easy状态允许程序员编写关键任务代码,同时提供便于扩展和部署的主干。虽然一些可视化脚本工具试图取代编码的需要,但该工具是一个框架,可以使代码保持紧凑、有组织且易于调试。作为一个警告,这段代码需要一些c#经验才能使用,并不是一个无代码的解决方案。它的目标是精简,只管理重复的代码,让游戏开发者能够编写重要的内容!


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