
[编辑器/功能拓展] Fluid Flow 2.2 流体流动模拟

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发表于 2023-3-28 12:10:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Fluid Flow simulates fluid flowing on your models in real time.xa xaIt can be used for blood, paint or any other fluid flowing down the surface of an object. xaThe fluid is simulated on the GPU using compute shaders for optimal performance.xa xaAll you need is a mesh with a set of not overlapping uvs. xa xa Features: xa xe2x8fxb5 realtime fluid simulation xa xe2x8fxb5 realtime gravity update xa xe2x8fxb5 skinned mesh support xa xe2x8fxb5 fluid drops* xa xe2x8fxb5 easy setup xa *requires async gpu readback (unity 2018.2 or higher; not supported on OpenGL) xa xa xaThis is not a 100% accurate fluid simulation, so take a look at the DEMO (windows) and see if you like it.xa xa xaPlease make sure your platform supports compute shaders ! xaTested successfully with DirectX11 and OpenGL 4.5 xaMobile is currently not supported! xa xaAny further questions or suggestions?

“流体流动”实时模拟流体在模型上的流动。它可以用于血液,油漆或任何其他液体从物体表面流下。流体在GPU上使用计算着色器进行模拟,以获得最佳性能。所有你需要的是一个网格与一组不重叠的uv。xa xa特点:xa xe2x8fxb5实时流体模拟xa xe2x8fxb5实时重力更新xa xe2x8fxb5蒙皮网格支持xa xe2x8fxb5流体滴* xa xe2x8fxb5简易设置xa *需要异步gpu读取(unity 2018.2或更高;这不是一个100%准确的流体模拟,所以看看DEMO(窗口),看看你是否喜欢它。请确保你的平台支持计算着色器!xaMobile目前不支持!还有什么问题或建议吗?


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