
[编辑器/功能拓展] Control Freak 2 - Touch Input Made Easy! 2.8.3 触摸控制

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发表于 2023-3-28 15:08:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Control Freak 2 is a multi-platform input system that supports multi-touch, accelerometer, keyboard, mouse and game controllers.
Make your game multi-platform without touching a single line of code! (In 99% of cases no code modification is needed).

Main features :
* Advanced touch control system that can perfectly emulate traditional input sources (digital, analog, delta, scroll and even low-level touches).
On-screen controls can be composed out of button, joysticks, steering wheels, track pads and super touch zones. State of touch controls can be bound to virtual keys, named buttons and axes. Super Touch Zone, the most advanced control type of the pack, lets you bind every finger gesture imaginable - for example, single-finger tap can act as a right mouse button click, swiping horizontally with three fingers can emulate mouse scroll wheel and two-finger twist gesture can be bound to an analog axis that rotates the camera!
* Simple API - there's no need to learn new API or rebuild you code to work with event-based input system... Familiar Input-like static class will make you feel right at home.
* Script Converter will automatically convert your project's scripts!
* With Control Freak Assistant you will be able to quickly create custom Input Rigs, complete with touch controls, with just a couple of clicks.

Control Freak 2是一个多平台输入系统,支持多点触控、加速计、键盘、鼠标和游戏控制器。

*简单的API -不需要学习新的API或重新构建代码来使用基于事件的输入系统…熟悉的输入类静态类会让你有宾至如归的感觉。


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