
[精品成套/桌游] Tulipa, The Infested World tyranid世界脊梁2021年1月战争游戏地形

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发表于 2023-4-11 10:49:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Bundle of STL models of "Tulipa, The Infested World". Tyranid, Spore / Alien Xenos Ruins Sci-fi theme Inspiration for your favorite Science Fiction or Fantasy wargames. Download the STL files and print them with your home 3d printer at the scale you prefer. Awesome terrain for almost every miniature game. Some elements come in different parts to better fit your printer while maintaining a proper scale for your wargames.

捆绑的STL模型的“郁金香,出没的世界”。Tyranid,孢子/ Alien Xenos Ruins科幻主题为你最喜欢的科幻或幻想战争游戏提供灵感。下载STL文件,用你的家庭3d打印机按你喜欢的比例打印它们。几乎每个迷你游戏都有很棒的地形。有些元素来自不同的部分,以更好地适合您的打印机,同时为您的战争游戏保持适当的规模。


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