
[3D] Kinect MoCap Animator 2.0动作捕捉工具

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发表于 2023-4-11 15:31:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This is a simple motion capturing tool that captures user motion from a body recording and saves it into a fbx animation clip. The recorded animation may be retargeted later to other humanoid models in your Unity projects, or edited with external tools like Autodesk's 'Maya' or '3ds Max'.

Please note, the MoCap animator works with body recordings only. These body recordings can be created with the help of "Azure Kinect Examples for Unity" or "Kinect-v2 with MS-SDK"-assets.

'Kinect MoCap Animator' is a sensor independent tool. It doesn't work with live sensor data, but instead with body recordings only. These recordings can be created with the help of other Unity assets, like "Azure Kinect Examples for Unity" or "Kinect-v2 with MS-SDK" v2.20 or later. This package can be used on Windows platform with all versions of the Unity Editor - Free, Plus or Pro.

How to run the 'Kinect MoCap Animator':
1. Create a body recording with the recorder demo scene in the K4A-asset or K2-asset.
2. Import this package into a new Unity project.
3. Open ‘File / Build settings’ and switch to ‘PC, Mac & Linux Standalone’, Target platform: ‘Windows’.
4. Copy the previously created body recording file to the root folder of the 'Kinect MoCap Animator' project.
5. Open and run the KinectMocapAnimator-scene.
6. Change the name of the body recording file, or the user index, if needed.
7. Press 'Start MoCap' to start capturing the body motion of the selected user from the beginning.
8. After the MoCap Animator finishes, you can find the recorded animation in the 'Recorded'-model under 'KinectMocapFbx/Models'-folder.

One request:
Please don't share this package in source form with others, or as part of public repositories, without my explicit consent.

* The basic documentation is available in the Readme-pdf file in the package.
* The online documentation is available here.

Third-Party Software:
This asset uses SharpZipLib under MIT License and Autodesk FBX SDK under Autodesk License Agreement. See Third-Party Notices.txt file in the package for details.

这是一个简单的动作捕捉工具,从身体记录中捕捉用户的动作,并将其保存到fbx动画剪辑中。录制的动画可能会被重新定位到您的Unity项目中的其他人形模型,或者使用Autodesk的“Maya”或“3ds Max”等外部工具进行编辑。

请注意,动作捕捉动画师只使用身体记录。这些身体记录可以在“Azure Kinect示例for Unity”或“Kinect-v2 with MS-SDK”资产的帮助下创建。

“Kinect MoCap Animator”是一个独立于传感器的工具。它不能使用实时传感器数据,只能使用身体记录。这些录音可以在其他Unity资产的帮助下创建,如“Azure Kinect示例for Unity”或“Kinect-v2 with MS-SDK”v2.20或更高版本。这个包可以在Windows平台上使用所有版本的Unity编辑器-免费,加或专业。

1. 在K4A-asset或K2-asset中使用记录器演示场景创建一个主体记录。
2. 将这个包导入一个新的Unity项目中。
3.打开“文件/构建设置”并切换到“PC, Mac和Linux Standalone”,目标平台:“Windows”。
4. 复制之前创建的身体记录文件到“Kinect动作捕捉动画”项目的根文件夹。
5. 打开并运行KinectMocapAnimator-scene。
6. 如果需要,可以更改主体记录文件的名称或用户索引。
7. 按“Start MoCap”开始从头捕捉所选用户的身体动作。
8. 在动作捕捉动画器完成后,你可以在“KinectMocapFbx/Models”文件夹下的“recorded”-模型中找到录制的动画。



该资产使用MIT许可下的SharpZipLib和Autodesk许可协议下的Autodesk FBX SDK。具体请参见软件包中的“第三方通知.txt”文件。


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