
[完整项目] Moba Storm Unet 1.2

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发表于 2023-4-12 13:34:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

- Complete fresh source code written from scratch.
- Authoritative Server Model with a dedicated server instance.
- Deterministic network sync model, the clients send inputs, and the actions are executed on all clients at the same Fixed Step resulting in the same simulation on the server and all clients.
- Complete UI Menu Manager with a modern GUI Design.
- Options to create a dedicated server, join a game server and join with a simulated latency.
-Object pooling (NETWORK). changing instantiate() and destroy(), of all gameobjects for a complete new pooling system.
- Complete custom pathfinding.
- Cell positioning used by minions or enemies to distribute positions and lock cells to avoid overlapping positions.
- 2 Complete custom characters with animations and abilities.
- Ability Editor Window that allows to create complete abilities, and customize all parameters, add side effects and draw all properties from it.
- Character Editor Window that allows to create and configure characters, add animations and see a preview of the character in real time.
- You can create new characters, new enemies without writing a line of code, even you can fully customize your spells and attacks creating your custom scripts using the visual editors.
- Standard MOBA keys QWER
- Melee and ranged abilities
- Impact and Aoe Damage
- Char selection window with portraits and sounds for each character
- Standard entity logics for “Player Characters” , “Towers”, “Minions” and “Nexus” with the flexibility to create your own custom Logic AI Implementations.
- Configurable Canvas Health Bar for each “MobaEntity”.
- Multiple Targeting choices to cast abilities on “Target”, “Position”, “Self Casting”, “All Targets”, “Random Targets”.
- Abilities can put side effects like slow enemies, stun, deal dot “DamageOverTime” or hot “HealOverTime”, also you can write your custom scripts to create any kind of ability.

- 2完成自定义字符与动画和能力。


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