
[编辑器/功能拓展] Super Tilemap Editor 1.7.0横版游戏地图创建工具

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发表于 2023-4-12 15:42:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

*** Features ***
• Easy and fun to use
• Full Editor integration
• Sprite Mask Interaction Support
• Export to Png any tilemap or tilemap group
• Attach a prefab to any tile
• Tile Vertex Painting New in V1.4.5
• Pyxel Edit import (experimental & unsupported)
• Tiled TMX import *(not fully supported only supports basic importation of rectangular tiles and layers, not objects, animations, collisions, tile properties ...)
• Tilemap Parallax New in V1.4.3
• Run-Time tilemap generation with colliders
• Create Tile Views or Tile prefabs for easy painting
• Fully customizable 2D & 3D seamless tile colliders created on the fly
• Tilemap Groups (aka tilemap layers)
• Fully Customizable Brushes
• Autotiling modes: self, other & group
• Support for subdivided autotiling
• Copy, Cut, Fill, Rotate and Flip tile edition
• Tint, Pixel Snap and Sorting render options
• Tile and brush user parameters: int, float, bool & prefab
• Tile and brush prefab creation
• Full source code available
• Optimized for mobile devices
• Reduced scene size
• Two tilesets (platformer & rogue) using CC0 kenney's assets and demo scenes

•Tiled TMX导入*(不完全支持只支持矩形瓷砖和图层的基本导入,不支持对象,动画,碰撞,瓷砖属性…)
平铺和笔刷用户参数:int, float, bool和prefab


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