
[编辑器/功能拓展] FPC Pro第一人称控制器

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发表于 2023-5-19 11:35:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

FPC Pro is compatible with Unity 5.5.x, 5.6.x, 2017.x & 2018.x
Now with mobile controls
Important: To update FPC Pro just delete all previous content (FPC Pro Folder) from your project. Make always a backup of your project before updating this asset.

Welcome to the most advanced First Person Controller available in the Asset Store.

FPC Pro focuses in movement and FX and does it very well without trying to dominate your own code.

• Check out the new FPC Pro Demo.
• FPC Pro movements included are: walk, run, jump, prone, crouch, swim, dive, fly, use ladders, climb walls, ledge grabbing, ledge climbing, obstacle vault, kick & push objects and enemies, use platforms. Parkour movements included are: double jump, wall-run, slide.
It can be hurt when falling, get tired when running or jumping or run out of oxygen when diving and everything is configurable without writing a single line of code.
• Include different bars: health, stamina, oxygen, light battery, fly rocket gas bars.
• It has an step sound system over any surface or terrain texture.
• FPC Pro can catch/drag and launch/drop objects. Try the basket ball demo, it's fun!.
• Now with a footprint system so you can walk over any surface and see your footprints.
• FPC Pro uses its own camera movements to accomplish a lot of very cool effects including an underwater environment, a dirty lens effect. It has several procedural camera movements used when climbing, landing jumping or using ladders, all mixed up with tons of sound effects (footsteps, breath tired effect, swim and dive, jump, climb, fly rocket and air speed).
• Includes a smart crosshair and catch/drag, launch/drop objects capabilities and several 2D-3D compass
• Notice that FPC Pro is NOT an FPS controller; there isn't any kind of weapon system but you can build your own using FPC Pro as you do with the original Unity's First Person Controller. Check out this example (not included in the asset) FPC Pro Weaponized Test.

FPC Pro与Unity 5.5.x、5.6.x、2017.x和2018.x兼容
重要提示:要更新FPC Pro,只需从您的项目中删除所有以前的内容(FPC Pro文件夹)。在更新此资产之前,请始终备份您的项目。
FPC Pro专注于移动和外汇,并且做得很好,而不试图支配你自己的代码。
•查看新的FPC Pro演示。
•FPC Pro的动作包括:走路、跑步、跳跃、俯卧、蹲下、游泳、潜水、飞行、使用梯子、爬墙、抓壁架、爬壁架、障碍物跳马、踢推物体和敌人、使用平台。跑酷动作包括:双人跳、壁跑、滑梯。
•FPC Pro可以捕捉/拖动和发射/放下物体。试试篮球演示,很有趣!。
•FPC Pro使用自己的相机运动来实现许多非常酷的效果,包括水下环境和脏镜头效果。它有几个在攀爬、落地跳跃或使用梯子时使用的程序性相机动作,所有这些动作都与大量的声音效果(脚步声、呼吸疲劳效果、游泳和潜水、跳跃、攀爬、飞行火箭和空速)混合在一起。
•请注意,FPC Pro不是FPS控制器;没有任何类型的武器系统,但你可以使用FPC Pro构建自己的武器系统——就像你使用最初的Unity第一人称控制器一样。查看此示例(不包括在资产中)FPC Pro武器化测试。


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