
[编辑器/功能拓展] Poly Few Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.61

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发表于 2023-5-25 09:58:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The performance of any 3d application is highly dependent on the total number of polygons that the GPU has to process per frame in a 3d scene.  If you have a complex scene containing high polygon 3d models with a lot of meshes that use a lot of different materials, the overall performance of your game will suffer.  Poly few is a complete optimization solution for unity that aims to solve this problem by allowing you to optimize high quality complex 3d scenes.  With integrated features like mesh simplification, automatic LOD generation, mesh merging, and material combining, you can greatly improve the performance of your game with a few clicks without the need of writing even a single line of code.  Such optimization techniques are especially useful when developing for resource constrained platforms like mobile phones or other low end devices.  This can also help eliminate your expenses for artists.
任何3d应用程序的性能都高度依赖于GPU在3d场景中每帧必须处理的多边形总数。如果你有一个包含高多边形3d模型的复杂场景,其中包含许多使用不同材料的网格,那么你的游戏的整体性能将受到影响。Poly few是一个完整的优化解决方案,旨在通过让您优化高质量的复杂3d场景来解决这个问题。通过网格简化、自动LOD生成、网格合并和材料组合等集成功能,你可以通过点击几下就大大提高游戏的性能,而无需编写一行代码。这种优化技术在开发资源受限的平台(如移动电话或其他低端设备)时特别有用。这也可以帮助你减少雇佣美工的费用。


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