
[编辑器/功能拓展] Calendar Date and Time System 1.0.4日历日期时间系统

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发表于 2023-5-25 11:02:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Calendar Date and Time System is a procedural calendar GUI object and event system developed for the Unity game engine. Subscribe functions to events which fire every minute, hour, day, week, or month of time passed. Add events to the stack and they will fire exactly at the DateTime you wish. When you're done setting up events, display them on a provided procedural calendar. Customize it to your needs to create complex game mechanics or simulations based on the passage of time. Perfect for historical and strategy games, or any time where you need to handle, display, and have people interact with calendars and events. The system utilizes the .NET DateTime struct, and is accurate from 0 AD – 9999 AD, with millisecond accuracy. It automatically evaluates and fires events as time passes.

日历日期和时间系统是为Unity游戏引擎开发的程序日历GUI对象和事件系统。订阅每一分钟、每一小时、每一天、每一周或每一个月发生的事件的函数。将事件添加到堆栈中,它们将恰好在您希望的日期时间触发。设置完事件后,将它们显示在提供的过程日历上。根据您的需要定制它,以创建基于时间流逝的复杂游戏机制或模拟。完美的历史和战略游戏,或任何时候,你需要处理,显示,并让人们与日历和事件互动。该系统使用。net DateTime结构体,精确范围从公元0年到公元9999年,精度为毫秒级。它会随着时间的推移自动计算并触发事件。


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