
[完整项目] All in One Game Kit - ELC Character System 3.4跑酷游戏

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发表于 2023-5-25 11:41:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 阿拉丁神经 于 2023-5-25 11:42 编辑

Requires Unity 5.0.0 or higher.
The All in One Game Kit is a PROFESSIONAL QUALITY game kit, with a third person, first person, and 2.5D controller, designed to be the easiest and most effective way to implement character locomotion, combo jumping and wall jumping, attacks, swimming, ladder climbing and wall climbing, ledge climbing, and platforming into any game!

Works in third person, first person, and 2.5D mode! Supported on MOBILE devices!
Compatible with both Character Controllers and Rigidbodies!
(All features work in Unity and Unity Pro!)

3rd Person | 1st Person | 2.5D/Side-Scroller

EVERY SCRIPT in the All in One Game Kit is standalone, meaning that any script, or all of them, can be used apart from each other in any game imaginable, and still work perfectly!

The All in One Game Kit - ELC Character System is the perfect framework for ANY third person, first person, or 2.5D game, especially platforming and parkour games!
The ELC stands for Easy Ledge Climb, and this asset holds true to its name. It provides the user with countless ledge climbing and ledge grabbing capabilities that anybody can use in their own games!

Player script features:
- Idle
- Walk
- Run
(with or without the use of a run button)
- Crouch
- Slide down slopes
(with a user-defined speed and friction)
- Jump
(perform combo jumps with different heights and animations)
- Double jump
- Wall jump
- Swim
- Attack
(perform combo attacks with different strengths and animations)
- Climb ladders and walls
(defined by user-made tags, each with their own individual settings)
- Ride moving and rotating platforms
- Side-scrolling

Ledge climbing script features:
- Grab on to ledges
- Climb up and over ledges
- Move from side to side on ledges
- Jump from one ledge to another / switch ledges
- Grab back on to or jump off of a ledge that you just walked off of
- Climb moving and rotating platforms

Player health script features:
- Set the maximum health
- Receive damage from enemies, items, and falls
- Regain health over time and from items
- Respawn
- Set UI images for the health

Player item manager features:
- Collect any number of items
(defined by user-made tags, each with their own individual settings)
- Set item limits
- Set UI images for the items
- Customize the item count text
(font, text color, outline, add a prefix, add a suffix, etc.)

Camera script features:
- Follow the player
(can be disabled, or set to default)
- Mouse orbit the player
(can be disabled, set to default, or switched to with a button)
- Enter first person mode
(can be disabled, set to default, or switched to with a button)
- Automatically avoid collisions
- Lock on to targets, and behind the player
(targets defined by user-made tags)

Enemy AI features:
- Attack the player
- Gain and lose health
- Display health using a health bar
- Respawn
- Stop before falling off edges
- Side-scrolling

Other important features:
- MOBILE support!
- Commented C# code
- Comprehensive documentation
- Demo scenes for each game mode
(third person mode, first person mode, and side-scrolling/2.5D mode)

Character model, complete with:
- 47 Mecanim animations
(all root motion compatible)
- Particle effects

Two enemy models, complete with:
- Particle effects
- Animations

Three example stages:
- Two for third and first person mode
- One for side-scrolling/2.5D mode

View the documentation here

Have any questions about the asset? Please feel free to ask them on the:
All in One Game Kit - ELC Character System support thread.

需要Unity 5.0.0或更高版本。
All in One游戏套件是一个专业质量的游戏套件,具有第三人称,第一人称和2.5D控制器,旨在以最简单和最有效的方式实现角色移动,连击跳跃和跳墙,攻击,游泳,爬梯子和爬墙,爬窗台和平台到任何游戏中!

(所有功能都适用于Unity和Unity Pro!)

第三人称|第一人称| 2.5D/横向卷轴

All in One Game Kit中的每个脚本都是独立的,这意味着任何脚本或所有脚本都可以在任何可以想象的游戏中分开使用,并且仍然可以完美地工作!

全合一游戏套件- ELC角色系统是任何第三人称,第一人称或2.5D游戏的完美框架,特别是平台和跑酷游戏!
ELC代表Easy Ledge Climb,这个资产名副其实。它为用户提供了无数的攀爬和抓壁的能力,任何人都可以在自己的游戏中使用!

- - - - - -走
- - - - - -克劳奇







- 47个动画




所有在一个游戏套件- ELC字符系统支持线程。


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