
[编辑器/功能拓展] Data Bind for Unity 1.21

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发表于 2023-5-25 11:52:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

It's always a good idea to separate your game logic and its presentation. So why not use a well-tested and clean approach to make the connection of the two for you?

Data Bind for Unity offers you a well thought through architecture which keeps your UI clean from your logic and the other way around. This goes so far that you won't need any line of code to visualize your data in the UI in most cases.

We already used this architecture in our own projects, so we are sure it works. The current version is a full functional version, which will be gradually extended depending on user feedback and our own extensions within our projects. The price will raise, too, so buying now will get you the future extensions for free!

Key features:
- Exchange your complete UI without touching any logic. You want to try Unity UI instead of your current NGUI-based UI? No problem.
- No additional UI code necessary to visualize your data.
- Easily extendable for other UI, e.g. custom ones.
- Easily extendable for custom UI widgets or mono behaviors.
- Successfully tested in several games.
- Ongoing development where further generic features are added that can be used in many different projects.
- Price will raise with growing feature set, so buy now and get all future additions for free!


Unity的Data Bind为你提供了一个经过深思熟虑的架构,使你的UI与逻辑保持一致。在大多数情况下,您不需要任何代码行就可以在UI中可视化数据。


-在不触及任何逻辑的情况下交换完整的UI。你想尝试Unity UI而不是当前基于ngui的UI?没有问题。


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