
[编辑器/功能拓展] Transform Tools 1.11编辑器扩展游戏工具

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发表于 2023-7-4 10:40:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Transform tools is an editor extension designed to make object placement faster and easier.

• Edit pivot: Edit the pivot position and rotation of 3D objects, sprites and UI objects. Recalculates UV and surface normals so materials and textures look the same after pivot change. Retains the original orientation of colliders and NavMesh obstacles.
• Simulate gravity: Physics based placing tool.
• Align and distribute: Easy to use tools to align and distribute game objects. Similar to the tools you can find in Illustrator, Photoshop, Inkscape, and others.
• Grid arrangement: Arrange objects on a 3D grid.
• Radial arrangement: Arrange objects in radial patterns such as arcs, circles, ellipses, and spirals.
• Rearrange: Swap the positions of the selected objects.
• Progressions: Incrementally change the scale, rotation, and position values ​​of the selected objects.
• Randomize: Add random values to the position, rotation and scale of each selected object.
• Homogenize: Even out the spacing, rotation and scales values of the selected objects.
• Place on the surface: Place objects on the closest surface in the direction defined by the user.
• Remove overlapping: Move objects far enough so that they do not overlap.


•对齐和分发:易于使用工具来对齐和分发游戏对象。类似于你可以在Illustrator, Photoshop, Inkscape等中找到的工具。


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