
[编辑器/功能拓展] Ability & Combat Toolkit 2.0.2角色战斗工具包

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发表于 2023-8-2 16:51:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Ability & Combat Toolkit (ABC) is a Unity Tool which enables you to easily create weapons, attacks, spells and abilities.

ABC also comes with 9 premade weapons, over 50 configured abilities and more then 40 effects from an ever increasing library!

The toolkit also includes many other combat related functionality to quickly add mind blowing and impactful combat to any type of game.

There is no limit to the type of abilities and weapons you can create:

Swords ✔️

Guns ✔️

Hand to Hand ✔️

Bow & Arrow ✔️

Dual Weapons ✔️

Shields ✔️

2H weapons ✔️

Attack Combos ✔️

Air Combos ✔️

Single Impactful Attacks ✔️

Jump Attacks ✔️

Gap Closing Attacks (close the distance and strike!) ✔️

Counter Attacks ✔️

Parry Attacks ✔️

Preparation Spells (graphics, animations & UI whilst casting a spell) ✔️

Projectile Spells (Fireballs, lightning, daggers and more!) ✔️

Heals ✔️

Buffs (increase stats, regenerate health or why not speed up attacks?)✔️

Debuffs ✔️

AoE Spells ✔️

Grenades ✔️

Sticky Abilities (attach arrows and projectiles to enemies for some fun mechanics)✔️

Telekenisis (throw a rock or pull enemies to you!)✔️

Mines and Remote Explosives ✔️

Shields ✔️

Grapple Attacks ✔️

Dodging ✔️

DoT areas (Poison field or buff zone anyone?) ✔️

Charge Attacks ✔️

Multiple Projectiles seeking out nearby enemies ✔️

Meteor Strikes ✔️

Non-Humanoid attacks (scratch, bite and claw!) ✔️

Health/Mana Pickups ✔️

Explosive Environments ✔️

Ability Bouncing (don't stop at one target bounce to the next!)✔️

Ability Boomerang (send a projectile out and watch it come back!) ✔️

Attack Enhancements (Who doesn't like a bit of fire with every slash?) ✔️

That is only the start - with ABC only your imagination is the limit! We have you covered and this is all easily done with no coding or programming knowledge needed.

Get all this started in seconds - ABC has been designed to sit along side all other assets and tools on the store. No matter the project we will add some welly to your attacks with no complications!





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