
[蓝图] Magic Map Material & Maker (M4)1.5.5 程序化地形材质

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发表于 2022-11-8 14:55:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Magic Map Material & Maker (M⁴) was made with cinematic quality and ease of use in mind. It is a Terrain Toolkit for use with ANY Unreal Engine landscape and utilizes the latest in tech to achieve production-ready results in a fraction of the time. Just load in a height-map from any source (Houdini, World Creator 2, World Machine, etc.), begin sculpting within the editor, or use the included Terrain Generator and the M⁴ Auto Materials will instantly apply high amounts of detail to your world.

Important Note: The plants shown at the beginning of the "Product Showcase" Video are from other marketplace products and are NOT included with this pack, they are for demonstration purposes only (and to make a cool video). Everything else here on this product's description IS included, and M⁴'s own photogrammetry based trees and rocks will be added over the course of updates.

• Interactive Foliage System
• World Composition, Terrain Gen & 8K Demo Map
• RVT Terrain Blending
• Creating a custom Paint Layer
• Migrating & starting a new level
• More videos and info are in the Docs

Current Features:
• Advanced Auto Materials
• Virtual Heightfield Mesh and Runtime Virtual Texturing support - with easy setup
• Procedural Terrain Generator – create an infinite number of terrains at up to 8k in resolution (With World Comp & World Partition Support)
• Terrain Generator can also be used with any other Marketplace Landscape Material
• Terrain & Foliage Trail Systems with Multiplayer and VHFM Support
• Advanced Interactive Grass, Weeds and Flowers
• Splat Map Baker – Easily create Splat Map Textures in Engine
• Paint Layer Baker - Bake Height, Noise, Slope, and Curvature masks straight to any paint layer of your choosing
• Third Party Splat/Heat Map Support – Houdini, World Machine & World Creator 2 etc.
• 70+ Textures in total with a resolution of 1K to 4K
• Seven showcase maps in total - Going over all of the functionality
• M⁴ Material Blueprint – For easy management of Presets and Materials
• Three Versions of the Materials per Biome – Automatic, Runtime Virtual Texturing Based, Splat Map Baked
• Togglable Performance Functions with multiple Performance Presets
• Procedural Placement Systems for Foliage – using Landscape Grass Type
• Easy Texture Swapping via Material Instances – great for use with the Megascans library (ORDp texture support included)
• An 18 Layer Painting System for each Biome with Multi-Biome Support and easy customization
• Full Featured Materials with On/Off Switches – Tri & Bi Planar Projection, Far & Near Based Texturing Variations, Distance Based Displacement & Tessellation, Height & Normal Map Based Transition Blending, three types of Tiling Reduction settings (UV Scrambling, Pseudo Stochastic and Texture Bombing), and much more

Magic Map Material & Maker (M)的制作考虑到了电影般的质量和易用性。它是一个地形工具包,可与任何虚幻引擎景观使用,并利用最新的技术,在一小部分时间内实现生产准备的结果。只需从任何来源(胡迪尼、世界创造者2、世界机器等)加载高度地图,在编辑器中开始雕刻,或使用附带的地形生成器和M。Auto Materials将立即为您的世界应用大量的细节。

重要提示:“产品展示”视频开头显示的植物来自其他市场产品,不包括在这个包中,它们只是演示目的(并制作一个酷视频)。此产品描述中的所有其他内容都已包括在内,在更新过程中还将添加M .自己基于树木和岩石的摄影测量。


•Splat Map Baker -在引擎中轻松创建Splat地图纹理
•第三方Splat/Heat Map支持-胡迪尼,世界机器和世界创造者2等
•M . Material Blueprint -用于轻松管理预设和材料
•三个版本的每个生物群落的材料-自动,基于运行时虚拟纹理,Splat Map烘焙


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