
[3D] Nature - Spawner Pack for POLYGON Nature 1.0.3

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发表于 2023-9-13 15:52:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Create amazing nature scenes fast with the Spawner Pack for Polygon Nature!

Purchase the POLYGON Nature Pack from Synty Studio and make stunning Low Poly environments in just minutes.

I love modular asset packs! I get excited by visions of the amazing worlds I could create, and so i start placing blocks... and then reality sets in. Manually placing tens to hundreds of thousands of perfectly aligned objects into your scene is intensely time consuming.

Wouldn't it be cool if you could create and place infinite variatons of landscapes within minutes? What about flattening the terrain under buildings, or painting forests, or making roads, paths, rivers and fences?

Enter the Procedural Worlds Spawner Pack for POLYGON Nature. It merges the procedural power of Gaia Pro and GeNa Pro with your artistic vision to enable you to create in minutes what would take weeks or months by hand.

Sample Work Flow:
Here is a example work flow for how you would create or enhance your scene with the POLYGON Nature Pack.

1. Create your terrain with Gaia Pro or Gaia Pro 2021
2. Fill your scene with GeNa Pro
Manually place ruins, caves and rock formations with a click
Add rivers and roads and even whole streets along splines
Add a wide range of props all perfectly placed with more clicks
Paint in cliffs, large rocks, small rocks, and other ground cover
Paint in forests, bushes flowers and grass wherever looks good

3. Finalize & optimize your scene with Gaia Pro
Please note, steps 1 & 3 are optional and can either be omitted completely or done with your existing tool of choice. GeNa Pro works with both mesh terrain and Unity terrain.

Design Time or Runtime!
GeNa Pro works as happily at run time as it does at design time. For more advanced developers the GeNa Pro spawners can be executed via scripts at runtime for completely random procedural environments.

Advanced Features - Material Decorator and HDRP Support, Low Poly Variants!

The newly designed Material Decorator helps you to spawn assets variations - decide to have a certain percentage of trees appear in an unique color, or go for an all-winter look when spawning.

The Nature Spawner Pack officially does not support HDRP, but we added an inofficial HDRP support package to allow the usage of the assets in HDRP. (* not all Synty Water Shader features supported in HDRP)

Spawners can both spawn the regular and the low-poly variants where possible - you stay in control of your visual style.

Required Assets:
The PWS - POLYGON Nature Spawner Pack is a hybrid asset pack. What this means are that there are several other packs that must also be purchased and installed in order for it to work as it builds on their content and systems.

POLYGON Nature - Synty Studios
Gaia Pro 2021 - Awards 2020 Winner - Best Artistic Tool.
GeNa Pro - Awards 2018 Finalist (GeNa) - Best Artistic Tool.

Note : Gaia Pro is optional - you can use the GeNa presets on unity terrains made with other tools as well.

About Procedural Worlds:
At Procedural Worlds our mission is to empower people to create, automate and navigate worlds. Our products are easy to use, nicely integrated and well supported.

We service indies, professionals and enterprise with our tools, and deliver custom projects for studios, enterprise and government. Our special power is that we have both a deep procedural technology stack, and an amazing team of experts, and we leverage this unique combination to create applications, games, sims, mapping and mmo / metaverse experiences at a fraction of the typical time and cost. Check out our gallery, and then

contact us.
We are a Unity Partner, Intel Partner, and have been a top asset store publisher since we first launched Gaia in 2015. Our reviews over this time speak for themselves.

Our Products:
World Building Bundle - 2021 Edition - Get another 20% off our most popular tools with this awesome bundle. It includes Gaia Pro 2021, Gena Pro, Ambient Sounds, Pegasus and SECTR 2019.

Gaia Pro 2021 - Gaia 2 is an introductory version of Gaia Pro. Gaia 2 expands on the original Gaia 1 with multi terrain and biome support.

GeNa Pro - GeNa Pro os the big brother of GeNa 2. It is a complete re-write, and includes all of the capability of GeNa 2 plus the ability to create splines, rivers, roads and villages and to shape and fill your terrain with rocks, trees grasses and more.

SECTR Complete 2019 - A suite of performance-enhancing tools that enable open world streaming, massive mobile games and includes the latest techniques in audio occlusion and propagation.

Ambient Sounds - A tool that creates interactive soundscapes that also comes with professionally composed sound effects and music library.

Pegasus - A system that can drive anything along a path. Great for cut-scenes, and even has an ambient ai that supports formations, animation and local avoidance for your NPCs and ani


从Synty Studio购买多边形自然包,并在几分钟内制作令人惊叹的低多边形环境。



进入POLYGON Nature的程序世界刷出包。它将Gaia Pro和GeNa Pro的程序能力与您的艺术视野相结合,使您能够在几分钟内完成手工制作所需的几周或几个月。


1. 使用Gaia Pro或Gaia Pro 2021创建您的地形
2. 用GeNa Pro填充您的场景

3.使用Gaia Pro完成并优化您的场景
请注意,步骤1和3是可选的,可以完全省略或使用您选择的现有工具完成。GeNa Pro可以同时使用网格地形和Unity地形。

GeNa Pro在运行时和在设计时一样愉快地工作。对于更高级的开发人员,GeNa Pro刷出器可以在完全随机的过程环境中通过运行时的脚本执行。



自然刷出包官方不支持HDRP,但我们添加了一个非官方的HDRP支持包,允许在HDRP中使用资源。(*并非所有Synty Water Shader功能都支持HDRP)


PWS - POLYGON自然刷出包是一个混合资源包。这意味着还必须购买和安装其他几个包,以便在其内容和系统的基础上运行。

POLYGON Nature - Synty Studios
Gaia Pro 2021 -奖项2020 -最佳艺术工具得主。
GeNa Pro - Awards 2018入围者(GeNa) -最佳艺术工具。

注:Gaia Pro是可选的-你可以使用gea预设在统一地形与其他工具以及。

在Procedural Worlds,我们的使命是让人们能够创造、自动化和导航世界。我们的产品易于使用,集成良好,支持良好。

我们为独立开发者、专业人士和企业提供工具,并为工作室、企业和政府提供定制项目。我们的特别之处在于,我们拥有深厚的程序技术堆栈和出色的专家团队,我们利用这一独特的组合来创造应用程序、游戏、模拟、地图和mmo /虚拟世界体验,而花费的时间和成本只是典型的一小部分。看看我们的图片集,然后



世界建筑包- 2021版-获得另外20%的我们最受欢迎的工具与这个很棒的捆绑。它包括Gaia Pro 2021, Gena Pro,环境声音,Pegasus和SECTR 2019。

Gaia Pro 2021 - Gaia 2是Gaia Pro的介绍性版本。盖亚2扩展了原来的盖亚1与多地形和生物群系支持。

GeNa Pro - GeNa Pro是GeNa 2的大哥。这是一个完整的重写,并包括所有的GeNa 2的能力加上创建样条,河流,道路和村庄的能力,形状和填充你的地形与岩石,树木,草和更多。

SECTR Complete 2019 -一套性能增强工具,可实现开放世界流媒体,大规模移动游戏,并包括音频遮挡和传播的最新技术。




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