
[3D] Mountain Trees - Dynamic Nature 1.5.5 PBR植被树木森林

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发表于 2023-10-27 11:54:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Requires Unity 5.6.2 or higher.
Pack support unity:
- Unity 5.6
- Unity 2017
- Unity 2018
- Unity 2018 LW SRP
- Unity 2018 HD SRP

This pack contain 8 PBR mountain fir trees in 47 prefabs. (26 standard prefabs + 21 vegetation studio prefabs). Trees could be placed in forest (special forest tree versions) or as standalone. All trees work perfectly with unity terrain and Vegetation Studio system (separated prepared prefabs). They are carefuly optimised and created from scanned data. Trees have low overdraw, drawcall usage and are very cheap in render. All trees contain very advanced wind shading. Trees could be overlayed dynamicly by snow, this feature also give you ability to adjust snow amount on trees at static scenes.

We prepared 3 kind of trees:
- normal : where 4 from 8 trees have 2 bark materials for cool blend at bark
- cheap where all trees have 1 bark material (less drawcalls) and all trees could use the same leaves and bark. This means that 8 types of trees will be batched together (very low drawcalls for whole forest).
- normal with snow
- cheap with snow

Please download version for 2017 on unity 2017+ and 5.6 at unity 5.6. Shaders for trees are compiled separately for both engine versions (unity changes). Set linear render or adjust (decrease colors) for gamma.

All cheaper version of trees could be batched togerther so drawcall usage will be decreased dramaticly even with 8 types of trees at the scene.

In our pack you will find 4 aspects:
1) Different stages of trees like:
- plant
- small
- medium
- 2 big standalone
- 2 forest trees (less tri and shadows on the ground)
- dead tree

2) Group of textures for trees (compressed in Albedo/Alpha; Normal; Metallic/AO/Smoothness) for cheaper gpu render and less memory usage:
- snow set (5 textures)
- 7 bark sets (24 textures)
- leaves (3 textures)
- 8 cross texture sets (24 textures)

3) Shaders:
- All shaders support vegetation studio instanced indirect out of the box
- 2 Cross shaders (no snow, snow),
- 4 Bark shaders (metalic, metalic snow, specular, specular snow)
- 4 leaves shader (metalic, metalic snow, specular, specular snow)
- snow is dynamic so tree could be covered at runtime.
- dynamic snow realtime update at vegetation studio need additional script to acces into VS coppied materials..
- you could adjust snow amount and snow distribution by 2 values (snow amount, snow treshold).

4) Advanced and cheap in render wind shading:
- new wind system which generate epic result available from 1.5.v of this pack.
- wind will be shared between our all assets
- wind works 1:1 like in HD SRP

Fir Trees LOD'S and triangles:
750/340/ 8 (cross)
3900/1800/900/400/ 8 (cross)
10000/4100/2100/1000/8 (cross)
Big Standalone:
16000/9000/5000/1300/8 (cross)
7000/2800/1400/400/8 (cross)

All textures are high quality from scanned data. Resolution is from 1024x2048 up to 4096x4096. They look very good also at lower resolution setup. You could match them to your goals. As trees have shared materials and textures drawcall and gpu usage is very low so it's good to hold even high resolution textures because they don't cost much.

Note: We advice to use forest trees in forest to get better light and performance result and standalone versions on forest border and sometimes inside forest. This setup will give best visual and performance result.

Note2: In our screens we used our: Advanced Foliage Pack (grass and ground textures), Advanced Rock Pack (rocks and rock shader), CTS (terrain shading) and third party assets: Enviro (sky and light), Vegetation Studio ( foliage system)
Note3: LOD0 could be used in archviz, even with LP for such project type they look very realistic. Scanned data and sculpted details gives realistic looking.
Note 4: Demo from forest video is available under this LINK
To open our demo you need::
- River Auto Material;
- Vegetation Studio;
- Advanced Rock Pack;
- Advanced Foliage Pack;
- Mountain Trees - Dynamic Nature;
- CTS Complete Terrain Shader;
Link to all assets are below.

Pack contain ported wind from Unity 2018 HD SRP into lower unity versions and LW SRP this means that asset uses: NMWind.cginc ,NMWindNoShiver.cginc ,NMWind.hlsl, NMWindNoShiver.hlsl, NM_Wind.cs, ShaderWindSettings.cs, 3DNoise.psd, GustNoise.psd under Unity Companion License see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.

需要Unity 5.6.2或更高版本。
- Unity 5.6
- Unity 2017
- Unity 2018
- Unity 2018 LW SRP
- Unity 2018 HD SRP

这个包包含8 PBR山冷杉树在47预制。(26个标准预制件+ 21个植被工作室预制件)。树可以放置在森林中(特殊的森林树版本)或作为独立的。所有的树木与统一的地形和植被工作室系统(分开准备的预制件)完美配合。它们是根据扫描的数据精心优化和创建的。树有低透支,drawcall的使用和非常便宜的渲染。所有的树都有非常先进的遮阳。树木可以被雪动态地覆盖,这个功能也让你能够在静态场景中调整树木上的雪量。


请在unity 2017+和unity 5.6上下载2017版本。树的着色器在两个引擎版本中分别编译(unity更改)。为gamma设置线性渲染或调整(减少颜色)。


- 2大单机
- 2棵森林树木(减少地面上的三角和阴影)

- 7套树皮(24种纹理)
- 8个交叉纹理集(24个纹理)

- 2交叉着色(无雪,雪),
- 4个树皮着色器(金属,金属雪,高光,高光雪)
- 4叶材质(金属,金属雪,高光,高光雪)

-风是1:1的,就像HD SRP一样

750/340/ 8(交叉)
3900/1800/900/400/ 8(交叉)

所有纹理都是高质量的扫描数据。分辨率从1024x2048到4096x4096。它们在低分辨率设置下看起来也很好。你可以将它们与你的目标相匹配。因为树有共享的材质和纹理drawcall, gpu的使用率非常低,所以保持高分辨率的纹理是很好的,因为它们不需要花费太多。


- River Auto Material;
- CTS完整地形着色器;

包包含从Unity 2018 HD SRP移植到较低的Unity版本和LW SRP的风,这意味着资产使用:NMWind。cginc NMWindNoShiver。cginc NMWind。hlsl NMWindNoShiver。unitycompanion License下的hsl, NM_Wind.cs, ShaderWindSettings.cs, 3DNoise.psd, GustNoise.psd,详情请参阅软件包中的第三方通知。txt文件。


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