
[编辑器/功能拓展] Eazy NetChecker - Reliable Internet Detection 1.2.0互联网连接状态

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发表于 2023-10-27 15:36:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Do you want to truly know your game can reach the internet? Eazy NetChecker is the right tool! Eazy NetChecker is a light but reliable and powerful tool for really determining the status of the internet connection on all devices and platforms.

Methods like Unity's Application.internetReachability cannot truly tell if a device is actually connected to the internet, and neither was designed to do so. Moreover, simple methods like pinging google are unreliable since devices could appear to be connected to the internet, but in reality be behind a restricted network. Eazy NetChecker is the solution to all that! By utilizing a technique called Captive Portal Detection, it can quickly and reliably determine the current internet connection. Caprive Portal Detection is a technique that is used in all major operating systems for detecting internet connectivity.

• Reliable detection of internet connection status (Pending, NoConnection, WalledGarden, Connected)
• Pre-specified captive portal detection check methods (Google204, MicrosoftNCSI, AppleHotspot)
• Custom check methods
• Automatically select the best check method for each build platform
• Control over when checks are performed
• On Start: Run a check when your game is loaded
• Continuously: Automatically run checks on configurable intervals
• Manual: Run a single check whenever you need it.
• Stats and info about internet status and connectivity
• Helpful events to listen to (OnStart, OnFinish, OnStatusChanged, OnTimeout)
• Runtime API (Fully documented)
• Easy to use Editor
• Super easy integration
• Full C# source code

• Multi-platform support (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS)
• Unity 5.6 or higher

你是否真的想知道你的游戏是否能够进入互联网?easy NetChecker是正确的工具!Eazy NetChecker是一个轻巧但可靠和强大的工具,用于真正确定所有设备和平台上的互联网连接状态。

像Unity的Application.internetReachability这样的方法并不能真正判断一个设备是否真的连接到互联网,而且这两种方法都不是为了这样做而设计的。此外,像ping b谷歌这样的简单方法是不可靠的,因为设备可能看起来连接到互联网,但实际上是在一个受限制的网络后面。easy NetChecker是解决所有这些问题的方法!通过使用一种称为“捕获门户检测”的技术,它可以快速可靠地确定当前的互联网连接。Caprive门户检测是一种在所有主要操作系统中用于检测互联网连接的技术。

可靠的互联网连接状态检测(Pending, NoConnection, wallledgarden, Connected)
•预先指定的强制门户检测检查方法(Google204, MicrosoftNCSI, AppleHotspot)
•On Start:在游戏加载时运行检查
•有用的事件听(OnStart, OnFinish, OnStatusChanged, OnTimeout)

•多平台支持(Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS)
•Unity 5.6或更高版本


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