
[3D] Modular Castle Towers and Walls 1.0战略游戏城堡塔楼组件

130 |0
发表于 2024-3-12 15:38:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This package contains 131 prefabs that you can combine and create hundreds of different castle components (towers, walls, curved walls, stairs, gates, gatehouses, banners, doors and cannon towers). It's a good fit for medieval RPG and real time strategy games.

The objects were designed to have the lowest possible polycount (most of the pieces have less than 500 triangles), which means you can build really big castles without having much impact on your frame rate. If performance is what you are looking for, this is the right asset for you!

All the FBX files are included, this means you can import them to your 3D software and make modifications and adjustments if necessary.

该软件包包含 131 个预制件,您可以组合并创建数百种不同的城堡组件(塔楼、墙壁、弧形墙、楼梯、大门、门楼、横幅、门和炮塔)。 它非常适合中世纪角色扮演游戏和即时战略游戏。

这些对象被设计为具有尽可能低的多边形数(大多数部件的三角形少于 500 个),这意味着您可以建造真正的大城堡,而不会对帧速率产生太大影响。 如果您正在寻找性能,那么这就是您的正确资产!

包含所有 FBX 文件,这意味着您可以将它们导入到您的 3D 软件中,并在必要时进行修改和调整。


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