
[武器装备] RPG GUI construction kit 1.0 按钮界面工具包

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发表于 2024-9-13 10:10:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This is a RPG GUI contstruction kit. You can use it to create all sorts of widgets, text boxes, buttons, drop-dow lists and other GUI widgets. I didn't want to offer pre-made widgets since the needs of many games cannot be suited by a single solution. Instead, each project can use the GUI kit to put together widgets in a very lego-like fashion to suit specific needs. I hope you will enjoy it and have good use of it. Source GIMP file included.

这是一个RPG GUI构建工具包。你可以用它来创建各种各样的小部件,文本框,按钮,下拉列表和其他GUI小部件。我不想提供预制的小部件,因为单一解决方案无法满足许多游戏的需求。相反,每个项目都可以使用GUI工具包以非常类似乐高的方式将小部件组合在一起,以满足特定需求。我希望你会喜欢它,并好好利用它。包括源GIMP文件。


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