
[编辑器/功能拓展] SoulLink Procedural AI Spawner 1.2.6人工智能工具

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发表于 2023-1-4 22:58:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Now with full save capability using Pixel Crusher's Save System!!!

Upgrading from Version 1.1.0
It is recommended that you completely remove the SoulLink folder before updating from version 1.1.0. Although not required, it is a good practice to observe. Please make a backup before removing any folders. This version has a breaking change. If you have any Proximity Spawns defined, they will be removed with this version. You will need to re-add them after the upgrade. This was necessary in order to remove some annoying warnings about recursive serialized compositions.

What is SoulLink Spawner?
With SoulLink Spawner, you can avoid the tedious and time-consuming task of manually placing populations of animals, enemies, and other objects in your game world. Instead, let SoulLink Spawner manage your populations based on biomes, areas, regions, time of day, weather, seasons, quests and other conditions. You decide how many AI will be in your world at one time and SoulLink Spawner will spawn and despawn them as necessary as your player moves throughout the game world. You control the spawning/despawning ranges as well as various restrictions such as elevation and slope angle. You can even restrict your spawns based on layers.

SoulLink Procedural AI Spawner is a stand-alone asset designed to work with any player controller and any third party AI asset that supports object pooling. This asset will also be included as part of the upcoming SoulLink Artificial Intelligence System asset. If you purchase this package now, your cost of the AI system will be reduced accordingly.

IMPORTANT: SoulLink Procedural AI Spawner is not an AI system. Demo videos and screenshots contain AI and other content not contained in this package and are for demonstration purposes only.



什么是SoulLink Spawner?
有了SoulLink Spawner,你可以避免在游戏世界中手动放置动物、敌人和其他物体的繁琐和耗时的任务。相反,让SoulLink Spawner根据生物群落、区域、区域、时间、天气、季节、任务和其他条件来管理你的人口。你可以决定一次有多少AI会出现在你的世界里,SoulLink Spawner会根据你的玩家在游戏世界中的移动来生成和删除它们。你可以控制产卵/产卵范围以及各种限制,如海拔和斜坡角度。你甚至可以限制你的刷出基于层。

SoulLink程序AI Spawner是一个独立的资产,旨在与任何玩家控制器和任何支持对象池的第三方AI资产一起工作。该资产也将作为即将到来的SoulLink人工智能系统资产的一部分。如果您现在购买这个包,您的AI系统成本将相应降低。



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