
[编辑器/功能拓展] Emerald AI 3.0 3.1.2 人工智能

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发表于 2023-1-10 22:43:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Sound Detection update is now live!
Fully supports Unity 2019.4+, Unity 2020+, Unity 2021+, and Unity 2022+!

For URP or HDRP support, users simply need to convert materials to the desried Render Pipeline.

Emerald AI, the ultimate universal AAA quality AI solution for animal AI, shooter AI, RPG AI, NPCs, and more!

Emerald AI allows developers to quickly create engaging dynamic AI with 100's of AAA quality features, all without having to write a single line of code! Emerald AI's editor is designed to make creating AI easy, yet incredibly customizable. Emerald caters to all kinds of developers and offers everything users would expect from an all-in-one AI system.

Emerald AI's Setup Manager allows users to create AI in just seconds. Emerald AI includes 13 example scenes, well documented code, and a self-documented editor allowing for a low learning curve. Emerald's documentation, tutorials, scripting reference, and support are all accessible right from within the editor.

- NEW! Sound Detection -
The Sound Detector is an external component that gives AI the ability to hear unseen targets. When player targets enter an AI's Detection Radius, their movement and velocity are tracked to simulate noise levels. If a player is moving fast enough, it will increase an AI's Threat Amount which will trigger a list of modular user set reactions. See the Emerald AI Wiki Sound Detection Section for more info on this feature.

- Location Based Damage -
Location Based Damage allows colliders within an AI to receive damage and have customizable damage multipliers, such as headshot doing more damage than hits to limbs. This is all done via a separate component, along with an easy to use editor, that will automatically get all colliders within an AI and allow you to customize the damage multiplier for each one. Accurate impact effects, based on the normal of the hit collider, are also possible with included easy to use API.

- Create Any AI -
Create any kind of AI such as AI with guns, bosses, guards, villagers, thieves, bandits, creatures, animals, wildlife, zombies, companions, hovering robots, and more.

- Built-in Combat Text System -
The (optional) Combat Text System works globally for all AI and can even be called for custom character controllers and their damage with just 1 line of code. The Player's Damage Text Color, Player's Take Damage Text Color, Player's Critical Hit Text Color, AI's Damage Text Color, AI's Critical Hit Text Color, and an AI's Healing Text Color can all be customized through the Combat Text Manager. In addition to text color, all text animation, size, and font can all be customized with various included presets.

- Root Motion Support -
Root Motion supported allowing an AI's movement to be driven by their animations.

- Modular Abilities -
The Modular Abilities system allows users to create abilities through scriptable objects. These abilities can then be applied to an AI's ability list giving them added functionality such as healing and summoning other AI. Projectiles and spells can also be created with this system allowing for nearly any kind of weapon to be created. Every Ability Object allows users to customize the sounds, particle effects, timers, and other settings. Each abilities category has 3 options for picking abilities; Odds, Random, and Order giving AI a wide range of combat styles.

- Switchable Ranged and Melee Combat -
Allow AI to switch between ranged and melee combat according to the distance from an AI's target or by time. Users can customize these settings to best suit their AI.

- Animation Profiles -
Animation Profiles allow for users to quickly export and import animations between AI that share the same rigging and animations. This improves the workflow so users no longer have to manually enter animations if they have many AI that share animations. The best part of this feature is that it's multi-object supported!

- Included Needs System -
The needs system allows an AI to generate waypoints to objects such as food, water, and other resources. An AI will dynamically wander until it's low on resources. When this happens, the AI will search nearby for objects that match its resources layer and begin to replenish its resources upon arrival. When they are full, it will dynamically wander again.

- Setup Manager -
The Setup Manager makes the AI setup process easy by applying all needed scripts and components to an animated model.

- Built-In Look At and Aiming Mechanics -
The optional Look At feature allows humanoid AI the option to look at their targets or a nearby player while using their current animation. This feature is usable during combat and is also usable while the AI is wandering or walking to a destination. The weight and intensity of the head look and body look can be customized. This feature also allows ranged AI to aim their weapons towards their targets, even if

完全支持Unity 2019.4+, Unity 2020+, Unity 2021+和Unity 2022+!


翡翠AI,终极通用AAA级质量的AI解决方案的动物AI,射击AI, RPG AI, npc,和更多!

Emerald AI允许开发人员快速创建具有100个AAA质量功能的动态AI,所有这些都无需编写一行代码!Emerald AI的编辑器旨在使创建AI变得容易,但令人难以置信的可定制。Emerald迎合了各种类型的开发人员,并提供了用户对一体化AI系统的所有期望。

Emerald AI的设置管理器允许用户在几秒钟内创建AI。Emerald AI包括13个示例场景,良好的文档代码和一个自文档编辑器,允许较低的学习曲线。Emerald的文档、教程、脚本参考和支持都可以在编辑器中直接访问。

声音探测器是一个外部组件,使AI能够听到看不见的目标。当玩家目标进入AI的探测半径时,他们的移动和速度将被追踪以模拟噪音水平。如果玩家移动得足够快,它将增加AI的威胁量,从而触发一系列模块用户反应。有关此功能的更多信息,请参阅Emerald AI Wiki声音检测部分。


-创建任何AI -


Root Motion支持AI的移动由动画驱动。








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