
[编辑器/功能拓展] Selection Utility 1.2显示场景物体的层级结构插件

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发表于 2023-2-7 11:56:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Selection Utility is a lightweight Unity tool that facilitates selecting GameObjects in the Scene view by displaying a context menu with all objects currently under the mouse cursor as a popup list.

• Works with 3D, 2D, and UI objects
• Highlights hovered 3D and 2D objects with a colored outline (only the builtin render pipeline is supported for now).
• Scrollable list, can handle hundreds of entries
• Does not interfere with regular scene controls (camera pan, zoom, etc)
• Respects Unity's builtin selection features (e.g. locked layers)
• Search by name or component type
• Filter toggles to show only 3D, 2D, or UI objects
• Component icons to identify objects easily
• Prefabs are indicated in blue
• Looks good in Unity's light and dark skin
• Source code included
• Customize the filter tabs: add, remove or replace the filtering with a simple API call

User Preferences
• Hide icons by their type (e.g. Transform)
• Global enabled flag
• Click dead zone (e.g. touchpad & accessibility)
• Search field toggle
• Toggle filter toolbar
• Configure outline color

Why do I need this?
This tool improves the default selection methods in Unity. Trying to find a GameObject in a long list within the Hierarchy window can be difficult, since names may not be perfectly descriptive for all use-cases (e.g. props are named Rock_00, Rock_01, etc). Often, it is easier to find objects by their position and context in the Scene view. However, since Unity also considers invisible and overlapping objects, it can require many clicks until the desired target is selected. With Selection Utility the same can be accomplished in typically two clicks, but it also supports a search within the spatial context of the mouse pointer.


•使用3D, 2D和UI对象
•过滤器切换,只显示3D, 2D或UI对象


这个工具改进了Unity中的默认选择方法。试图在Hierarchy窗口的长列表中找到一个游戏对象是很困难的,因为名称可能无法完美地描述所有用例(例如,道具名为Rock_00, Rock_01等)。通常,通过场景视图中的位置和上下文来查找对象更容易。然而,由于Unity也考虑不可见和重叠的对象,它可能需要多次单击,直到选定所需的目标。使用Selection Utility可以在通常的两次单击中完成同样的工作,但它还支持在鼠标指针的空间上下文中进行搜索。


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